Friday, July 11, 2008


Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok! Ok!

Long time no chat, compatriadres, and what a sad state of affairs THAT is. I laze, I neglect, I dance, I watch, I yoga... why do I not BLOG (or WORK)?

But really, the why's don't matter. The world is just going to end up covered in massive landfills, anyway... or so PIXAR's new feature Wall-E would have you believe! Much like this guy, no this guy, up top! I found something a little bit OFF with the whole project. Now, I like me a flick that champions the finer sentiments as much as the next guy--finer sentiments in this particular case being, well... sentimentality, musicals, pluck, and hand-holding ("If you want to communicate something to the proletariat, dress it in sequins and make it sing!")--but really? A dystopia of fat people floating around in chairs, sucking on nutrish-o shakes and dependent on robots, it smacks of a lack of originality to me. People don't just sit around. We make stupid choices and exercise rampant disregard for our environment, perhaps even possess a lemming-like quality of two, but we do stuff. You can't just lazy-boy out the curiosity factor.

The love story is classic. For reasons we can not understand, be they spiritual, chemical, or mechanical, Wall-E makes a choice: he wants to hold the probe's hand. Obstacles are placed in Wall-E's path, but his faith and determination not only grant him love's desire, they change the entire face of the earth!

Cool. And very sweet because Wall-E has an awesome apartment and is a real trooper. But wait a second... they're androids! Did anybody else get heeby-jeebied when they smooched and we got nothing besides a metallic clank and happy robot faces? Funny, or not? How about when Wall-E, like some twisted Frankenstein, tore the feet from his fellow trashbot and sutured them to his own determined little gears?

Ok so the whole thing is kinda meta, but that eery tone (oh super sweet! but, uh, is that supposed to be sweet? is it just a bad joke?) gets lost in the context of the 'fat humans are dumb but not beyond redemption' B-story. It's a film about learning to be human, but frankly I'd rather take the lesson from some talking penguins.

Yes! Headstands!

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