Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Let us begin simply. I am creating yet another this blog to glorify Gilmore Girls, one of the most surprising, lovely, and heartwarming byproducts to ever drain from the sewage tube of network television.


... Ahem. I would like to announce the opening of my most recent blogging effort, through which I hope to make everyone love yoga and Lorelai Gilmore as much as I do.


What I mean, is... I watch a lot of television. Not TV teevee, DVDs of televised serialized fiction. I also do lots of yoga. Now, there is a high likelihood I will never:

a) become a guru
b) write for television, or
c) do something useful like raise eggplants

and AS SUCH, I feel like the agency granted me by the miracle that is LIFE would be going to waste if I didn't make something of what I think about all day. Drivel. I'll be making drivel, which I would like you to imagine is the DELICIOUS ice cream topping it sounds like it should be.

I blame my penchant for the TV series on Charles Dickens and my ex-girlfriend who made me watch Sex and the City with her. Charles Dickens actually has nothing to do with it besides the fact he wrote his novels in INSTALLMENTS (which made a really strong impression on me in middle school), and the other thing to note is that, maybe two or three episodes into SatC, I was sitting the girlie down and bugging her to watch it with me. So at the end of the day I guess there is nothing to blame my obsession on but my animal nature. Grrrrrr.

But seriously, think about it, and what is there not to love? Once you've cracked that eggshell, you can get from zero to yolky empathy in NO TIME FLAT. The teaser is rolling, and you're already all "Holy shit McNulty is a fucking psycho," or "Will that goofball Chuck ever get it together?" Instant dramatic tension. Sometimes in a series, you have to wait sixty hours for the real character payoff. I get that some people don't have the patience, but if you can hold out long enough, man, that shit gets tantrically delightful. You can watch as much or as little as you want. You can watch while you stretch. You can watch while you iron. You can watch while you daydream of watching the rest, and some of 'em just keep going and going and going...

I'm not quite sure how the yoga fits in yet. Yoga gets ingrained in life at a pretty deep level when you spend some serious time with it (just like everything else) but the theory and whatnot behind it presumes a lot more than just that. And it's all about the body, and man you could spend your entire LIFE trying to figure that shit out and never get past the hip joints. Maybe it will just be an addendum at the end of posts. Time will tell, only time will tell.

So tune in soon. I expect I'll be tackling either Gilmore Girls, Battlestar Galactica, or Dead Like Me first. And yeah, yeah, yeah... I loved The Wire.

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