Thursday, February 5, 2009

blunt trauma to the haunch

Begin! [click]

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last night upon exiting the meditation workshop perhaps a little more enlightened i discovered the back tire of my bicycle was flat. i had important things to do so I thought not and mounted, after which I rode approximately twenty feet down Parrish St. before my rear wheel kicked out to the left over a patch of ice. i suspended briefly, the movement of the bike frame being very sudden, and the body rotated counterclockwise through both the sagittal and transverse planes, after which the right haunch impacted unceremoniously with road ice coated with perhaps an eigth of an inch of well-mixed road slush. the bottle of bourbon ($23.29) did not break. ask me why i imagined my dainty road bike had transformed into a skidoo while i sat and breathed with my friends and teachers, and i will tell you i don't know. my compatriots were headed to their cars, perhaps a little more enlightened, and they expressed their concern for my person. placing my bike in the snowbank snug against a parking meter and encompassing bike frame, rear wheel, and meter pole with my U-lock, i accepted a ride home with lindsey. we discussed consciousness, vibration, showing up to parties just because you have to, the qualities of a few of our classmates (obliquely), and the buddha.

at lizzie's house we consumed one half of a ginger cake, one orange, 4 generous whiskeys, and two episodes of deadwood in which not overly much happened.

End! [click]

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