Sunday, February 22, 2009

Man and Machine

THESIS: A mindful, high-mileage relationship with one's bicycle brings a person into more exact synchronicity with space and time, engendering a still, vibrant, and deeply fulfilling experience of reality.

  1. Let us define mindful pedalling as a stroke in which the force between foot and pedal remains equally balanced between left and right through repeated revolutions. The mental and physical focus required to maintain mindful pedalling is extensive, and explodes the mind with the infinite complexities of a simple, one-principle task. For example, you may discover a remarkable lightness of being as the mind trips over the flip point between push (downstroke, extension of the knee joint) and pull (upstroke, flexion of the knee joint), again and again and again.
  2. The muscles of the legs are toned, making everything better.
  3. With proper posture, the spine is lengthened and shoulders opened, allowing greater ease of breath and increased lung capacity.
  4. The bicycle is by and large a silent vehicle, making it suitable for investigative stalking trips, assassination trips, or other general ninja use.
  5. All of the muscles of the body are warmed, increasing flow of blood, energy, and fresh air through the channels of the body, inducing a cheery disposition and happier perception of the world.
  1. Reckless bicycle riding may lead to death, especially in an urban environment
  2. Fucking flat tires.
CONCLUSIONS: Reiterate thesis.

yes! headstands!

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